
1/2 lb Steak, shredded

1 tb Cider vinegar

1 ts Mustard powder

1 tb Soy sauce

1/4 lb Shrimp, chopped

1 tb Lemon juice

1 Zucchini, chopped

1 tb Sherry

4 Scallions, chopped

4 oz Water chestnts, chopped

1 tb Cilantro

1 Leek, chopped

Servings: 24 1. In bowl combine first 4 ingredients and marinade in refrigerator

for one hour, stirring occasionally. Drain. Reserve marinade. 2. In another bowl combine shrimp and lemon juice. Cover and place in refrigerator for one hour. 3. Heat oil in wok over low heat. Add meat mixture and leek. 4. Raise heat to high and stir-fry for half minute. 5. Add zucchini and reserved meat marinade. Stir-fry one minute.

Remove. 6. In wok stir-fry shrimp, scaillons, sherry, and water chestnuts for half minute or until shrimp turn pink. Remove. 7. Combine shrimp and meat mixtures and add cilantro. 9. Assemble won tons and fry or boil. Variation: use pork instead of steak.

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