
2 md Eggplants

4 c Potatoes, cubed

8 oz Soya cheese,

2 tb Vegetable oil

2 c Chopped onions

2 ts Ground cumin seeds

1 tb Ground coriander seeds

1 ts Turmeric

1/2 ts Hot red pepper

1/4 ts Ground cloves

1 tb Minced ginger

2 ea Garlic cloves, minced

2 md Carrots, diced

1 lg Green bell pepper, diced

1 c Green peas

1 ea Tomato, diced

2 tb Fresh lemon juice

Seasme seeds Leaving stems on, slice eggplants in half lengthwise & place cut side down in pan. Cover & bake at 375F for 30 to 40 minutes till tender. Whiule eggplant is baking, boil potatoes till tender & drain. Mash with partially melted soya cheese in a large bowl. Saute onions & dried spices in oil for 1 minute. Add garlic, ginger & saute till onion is translucent. Add carrots & cook 5 minutes. Add peppers & peas & cook till just tender. Stir in tomatoes & lemon juice. Combine sauteed vegetables & potato mixture. Mash eggplant pulp & push to side. Mound a quarter of filling on each half. Sprinkle with sesame seeds & bake for 15 minutes at 375F, uncovered. Adapted from “New Recipes From Moosewood Restaurant”

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