
1/2 lb Snow pea greens

2 Red chilies

x Some rice wine (sake, Shaohsing, whatever) 1/2 c Chopped shallots

12 Fresh shiitake mushrooms

2 tb Soy sauce

2 ts Rice vinegar

4 Chopped scallions

8 To 12 ounces japanese

Noodles (soba, udon, Whatever — I used soba) Lightly steam pea greens — crisp, but cooked. Chop chilies, shallots and scallons. Slice shiitake thinly. Heat large non-stick skillet. Roast chilies for a minute, then add about 1/4 cup rice wine. Add shallots and cook till they just start to darken

(about 4 minutes). Add more wine if it starts to stick. (put water on to boil for noodles) With wine cooked off, add shiitake. They should give up their own water. Cook another 3-5 minutes till mushrooms are fully cooked and pan is drying out. Add soy sauce, vinegar, and scallions. Cook for a minute and then turn off burner and set aside. Water for noodles should be boiling, add noodles and cook till done, about 5 minutes usually.

Toss noodles, pea greens and mushrooms. Eat. Ya know, slivered shiitake reminds me of tripe when it cooks. I bet if you substituted shiitake for the tripe in a good recipe it would make a tasty dish. Source: original Posted by artemis@netcom.com (Michelle Dick) to the Fatfree Digest [Volume 15 Issue 6] Feb. 6, 1995.

Individual recipes copyrighted by originator. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1995. Formatted by Sue Smith, SueSmith9@aol.com using MMCONV. Archived through kindness of Karen Mintzias, km@salata.com. 1.80?


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