
2 8 ounce packages of fatfree

Cream cheese 1 pk Knox gelatin

10 Packets of Equal brand

Sweetener or 1/2 cup sugar 1 t Vanilla

1/2 ts Lemon juice

1 c Water.

Boil 1/4 cup water in a pan, or in a glass measuring cup in the microwave. Sprinkle gelatin on water. Wait 2 minutes, then stir to dissolve. Add 3/4 cup of

water to make a full cup of water/gelatin. In a blender, or in a bowl with an electric mixer, combine the water/gelatin, the cream cheese, vanilla, lemon juice and sweetener. Mix thoroughly. Spray an 8″ or 9″ pie pan. Pour mixture in pan. Allow to set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving. Serves 8. TOPPING: (This is my mom Sophie’s recipe for pie filling): 3 cups berries (not strawberries) 5 – 10 packets of

Equal Sweetener or 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon of thickener (flour, or arrowroot, or corn or potato starch) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice Put 1/2 of berries in a small pot (or microwave safe dish). Mix in thickener. Heat to a boil, stirring. Add sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice. Don’t add Equal at this time. Stir as it cooks and thickens. Turn off heat. Add Equal, if you are using it. Stir in remainder of berries. Do not cook further. Refrigerate if you like it cool, or use immediately if you want the berries warm. Spoon over cheesecake.. Cheater Recipe: 2 – 8 ounce packages of no fat creamcheese 1 package

of Jello any flavor, sugar free or regular 1 teaspoon vanilla Dissolve Jello into a cup of hot water. Stir for 2 minutes. Add a cup of cold water. Stir (this is the usual recipe for making Jello). With electric beaters or blender, combine this warm jello with the cream cheese and vanilla. Spray a pie plate and pour mixture in. Allow 4 hours to set. Serves 8. You can use the topping described above.

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