
6 oz Semisweet chocolate bits

15 oz Ricotta cheese

1/2 c Light brown sugar

1/8 ts Salt

1 ts Vanilla

3 Egg yolks

1/2 c Heavy cream; whipped

3 Egg whites; beaten stiff

With 1/4 cup light brown sug -ar Pie shell/9 inch; baked Melt chocolate over hot water. Cool. Blend ricotta with sugar, salt & vanilla. Beat in egg yolks, beating after each addition. beat in chocolate and blend well. Combine whipped cream with beaten egg whites, folding gently. Fold into chocolate mixture. Pour into baked pie shell, reserving 1/4 of mixture for decorating. Refrigerate until filling is set. Spoon reserved mixture in mounds over top of pie. Chill several hours or overnight. NAFY67C@prodigy.com (DEBORAH EPSTEIN) —–

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