
1 package Nine Bean Soup Mix

1 quart water

2 teaspoons salt — optional

1 turkey leg OR

ham bone & scraps OR 1 1/2 pounds chuck roast

1 can tomatoes–28 oz — chopped

1 large onion — chopped

1 teaspoon chili powder OR

2 teaspoons dried herbs (thyme, savory, etc)

2 teaspoons lemon juice

brown sugar — to taste 1/4 cup small pasta

Soak the beans overnight in water and salt. Next day, pour off the water and add two quarts fresh water and the meat, and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer, covered for two hours. Add the tomatoes and onion, chili powder or herbs and the remaining ingredients. Cook 1 hour more. If the soup gets too thick, add broth or water. Remove the meat, Chop it in bite size pieces, and return to soup.

This freezes well

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