
Leg of Lamb or Pork 1/2 c Olive Oil

2 x Lemons

1/2 c White wine-dry

1 1/3 x Onions,chopped fine

2 x Cloves of garlic,pressed

1 pn Greek oregano

1/4 ts Salt

1/4 ts Pepper

1 pk Bamboo skewers

Place meat in large container ( not aluminum ); pour marinade over meat & stir. Marinate overnite or up to 2 days. Soak bamboo skewers well in water. Place 3 or 4 cubes of marinated meat on each skewer. Grill over charcoal until done to your liking (Medium rare to Medium well for Lamb;Well done for pork.) –Don’t overcook or you will dry out the meat. If serving for a large party & you don’t want to be grilling at the last minute,earlier in the day grill to rare & then dip in marinate & arrange in a baking dish. Cover and bake to finish cooking to desired doneness just before serving. This is another recipe from Cecile Tenery Deriman’s ” Our Greek Family Cookbook,March 1991″ CeCE’s pal,John

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