
2 Cups finely chopped cooked turkey

8 Slices OSCAR MAYER Center Cut Bacon — crisply cooked &

crumbled* 1/4 Cup cracker crumbs

2 eggs — beaten

1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 Dash pepper

4 KRAFT American Singles Process Cheese

— Food 4 CLAUSSEN Super Slices for Burgers

4 hamburger buns — split

*Substitute 1/4 cup OSCAR MAYER Real Bacon Pieces for Bacon.

MIX turkey, bacon, crumbs, eggs, Worcestershire sauce and pepper in medium bowl. Shape into 4 patties.

HEAT lightly oiled skillet on medium heat 1 minute. Add patties to skillet; cover. Cook 3 to 4 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Top each patty with process cheese food slice during last minute of cooking time.

TOP each patty with 1 pickle; serve on hamburger bun with condiments.


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