
1 c All-purpose flour

1/2 ts Salt

1/2 c Butter or margarine

1/2 c Sugar

Seedless raisins 2 tb Orange marmalade *

1 Egg; beaten slightly

Recipe by: TERRY HARRIS (FASA32B) * (look in the jelly section in a store or international/gourmet food sections) Preheat overn 425 degrees F. Sift flour & salt into mixing bowl, blend in butter /or margerine using clean hands until it is like fine bread crumbs. Add sugar, rasins, & marmalade & mix well with spoon. Add egg & blend in flour mixture until stiff & rocky. The mixture must be stiff, or it will lose shape when baking. Pull off golf ball size chunks of dough & drop on cookie sheet about 1 inch apart. Do not smooth out dough pieces. Bake in oven for 15 mins. until lightly browned. Remove from oven & turn rock cakes bottom side up to cool. Served as a snack with milk or tea. Rock cakes is one of the oldest know written New Zealand recipes & dates back to 1861. The dough should be made as rough as possible. They were popular tea-time treats of the original English settlers. Serves 6-8. Terry Harris —–

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