
1 lb Eggplant

4 T White Miso Dressing

2 1/2 t Powdered mustard (Wasabi)

1 pn Salt

2 1/2 t Soy Sauce

IN ADVANCE: Cut the Eggplant in half lengthwise, then crossways into 4 pieces, then into 4″ cubes. Bring 3/4 pt water to boil in a small saucepan. Add Salt and drop in Eggplant. Boil fot 3-5 minutes. Drain and let cool. Pat the cubes dry. TO ASSEMBLE AND SERVE: Put the Miso, Soy Sauce, and Wasabi into a mixing bowl and stir until well blended. Add the eggplant and toss until well coated. Serve at room temperature.

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