
1 c Brown sugar

1/2 c Shortening

1 ea Egg

1 c Raisins; small

2 c Pastry flour; sifted before

-measuring 1 ts Spice; mixed – ground

1/2 ts Baking soda

2 ts Baking powder

1/2 ts Salt

1/2 c Buttermilk; rich – sour

Cream shortening, add sugar, mix well. Add egg, beat thoroughly. Sift together flour, spices, soda, baking powder and salt, add alternately with buttermilk to first mixture. Mix well and drop by teaspoon on well greased pans or cookie sheet. Oven 375 F. Soak raisins and drain well. More flour may be needed. Nuts are good instead of raisins. Note: Spices were not specified, just “mixed ground spice”. To your taste or preferance. Source: Mildred Haller, Brookfield Grange, Trumbull County, OH

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