
2 lb Spinach

1 ts Salt

1/4 c Olive oil

1/4 ts Sugar

2 Garlic cloves; minced

2 tb Lemon juice

Wash spinach carefully to remove sand. Cook with salt not more than 5 minutes and only with water that clings to the leaves. Chop spinach coarsely. Heat oil in skillet and add the spinach, sugar and garlic. Reduce heat to simmer and slowly stir greens to coat well with the oil. Sprinkle with lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Cover and cook 15 minutes. Serve hot. NOTE: If desired, add 3 T. freshly grated Parmesan cheese the last 5 minutes and stir continually until cheese is distributed well through the spinach. From: “Clarita’s Cocina”

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