
1 Recipe of pie pastry

—–FILLING #1—– 1 Egg

3/4 c Brown sugar — light

1 tb Butter — melted

1/2 c Pecans — chopped fine

1/2 ts Vanilla

—–FILLING #2—– 1 Egg

3/4 c White sugar

1 tb Butter — melted

2/3 c Coconut — shredded

1/2 ts Vanilla

Oven 350~. Make recipe of pie pastry and line small muffin tins with pastry rounds cut to fit. Or make this crust if you prefer: 1/4 lb. butter, 3 oz. pkg. of cream cheese, 1 c. sifted flour. Mix together and press into tiny muffin tins. Put 1 tsp. filling into unbaked pastry lined muffin tins. Bake at 350~ for 20 minutes. Run knife around tart when done to looseen. Remove to wire racks to cool. Store in tin box between layers of wax paper.

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