
-ELAINE RADIS BGMB90B 8 Bread; challa is best

4 oz Cream cheese

4 Eggs; large

1/2 c Half and half; or milk*

1/3 c Marmelade; or jam of choice

*Sometimes more… Howard made this just last month in honer of his Dad at JAKE’S in Londonderry, VT. It is truly ‘baaad’and Mort promised he would eat it only at the restaruant. TAke all the ingredients except the bread and put through the blender or FP. Spray with Pam (at this point, who cares) or butter a 8″ square pan. Pour a bit of the batter in the bottom of the pan and put 4 slices down and pour about half the batter over the bread. Then 4 more slices and the rest of the batter. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 degrees for about 3/4 hour. Pour the batter at least 1 hour before baking and as much as overnight. Please refigerate. Howard stuffed the bread with extra chuncks of cream cheese….but why not fruit like apples or banana slices???? You could add some brown sugar to the batter and a dash of vanilla. We didn’t, but served with VERMONT MAPLE SYRUP. Converted by MMCONV vers. 1.00


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