
2 C Sweet Potatoes — raw

4 Egg Yolks

1 1/4 C Sugar

1 1/2 Tsp Nutmeg

2 Tbsp Flour

1/4 C Whole Milk (+1 Tbs)

4 1/2 Oz Margarine (1 Stick + 1 Tb.)

2 Tbsp Corn Syrup — white

1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 9″ Pie Shell — unbaked

Boil potatoes until done. Peel and place in mixing bowl, removing all dark spots beforehand. Beat with mixer on a higher speed for 2 – 3 min.

Mix sugar, nutmeg and flour. Mix in milk. Add melted margarine, syrup and vanilla, and mix until everything is thoroughly blended.

Pour in pie shell, and bake at 375~ for about 45 minutes or until set (when filling doesn’t stick to hand when touched).

Recipe courtesy of Morrison’s Cafeterias.

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