
2 tbsps broth

2 med onions — sliced

28 ozs tomatoes

1/4 tsp ground ginger

1/4 tsp turmeric

1/8 tsp saffron threads — crushed

1/2 c cilantro — chopped

1 c lentils — rinsed

1/2 c wheat berries

6 c vegetable broth — or water

15 ozs garbanzo beans, canned — rinsed and drained

1/4 c fatfree egg substitute

2 lemons

2 tsps salt

1 tsp pepper

In soup pot, saute onions in 2 tbsp. broth until softened. In blender or food processor, combine tomatoes with their juice, spices and cliantro. Puree until fairly smooth. Add to onions. Simmer covered 5 minutes. Add lentils, wheat berries and broth or water. Cover tightly. If using crockpot, set on medieum heat 8-10 hours, or low heat overnight. On stove, simmer until wheat is tender, about 1-1/2 hours. About 15 minutes before serving, add garbanzos. About 10 minutes before serving, beat egg with juice of one lemon. Reduce heat to simmer; stir egg mixture into soup until forms strands. Season with salt and pepper. To serve, squeeze juice of remaining lemon into soup bowls before ladling in soup.

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