
This is the best Monte Cristo sandwich in the world… and I don’t just mean Disneyworld. It seems complicated but believe me..it is well worth the effort. Make each item in the order given. The Currant Jelly Sauce and the Fruit Compote go alongside. ***Currant Jelly Sauce*** 2/3 cup currant jelly 1 T water 1 T half and half Combine jelly, water and half and half in blender. Whirl until smooth. Makes about 3/4 cup. ***Fruit Compote*** Combine your favorite fresh and canned fruits and chill well. Plan 1/2 cup per person. ***Batter*** 2/3 cup water 1 small egg 1/2 t salt 1/8 t white pepper 1/8 t yellow food coloring 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 1 3/4 t baking powder Place water, egg, salt, pepper and food coloring in a bowl and using an electric mixer, mix well at low speed. Add flour and baking powder and mix until batter is smooth. Chill. Makes enough for 4 sandwichs. ***Sandwiches*** 8 slices white bread 4 slices (1 oz) turkey roll 4 slices (1 oz) swiss cheese 4 slices (1 oz) ham Make 4 sandwiches, putting cheese between ham and turkey. Cut into fourths and put a toothpick thru each quarter. ***Final preparation*** Vegetable oil for frying Confectioner’s sugar Compote and jelly Heat about 6 inches (yes, 6 inches) of oil to 340, preferably in a deep fryer. Dip sandwiches in batter to cover all surfaces. Deep fry sandwiches until golden brown, turning as needed. Remove from oil, take out toothpicks, sprinkle with sugar. Serve with compote and jelly. Served at Disneyworld at several locations. Submitted By SALLI SCHWARTZ (HONN) <102003.3307@COMPUSERVE.COM> On 20 JUN 1995 041941 GMT

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