
1 c Thinly sliced pork tenderloi

1 Clove garlic-smashed and cho

1 Small white onion-sliced

1 Bell pepper-center removed a

1/2 c Chunky pineapple

1 Cucumber sliced bite sized

1 Tomato sliced bite sized

1/2 ts Soy sauce

1 Green onion-cut into 1″piece

1 ts Sugar

1/2 ts Fish sauce

1/2 ts White vinegar


1/2 ts Cornstarch-disolved in 1/4 c

Vegetable oil ****In a wok, cook pork and garlic in hot oil for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Add MSG, sugar, fish sauce, and onions. Stir 5-6 time, then add the remaining ingredients EXCEPT FOR THE CORNSTARCH MIXTURE. Continue cooking 3-4 minutes longer. Pour in the corn starch mixture. Stir well until all

meat and vegetables are coated with light clear starch. Remove from heat. Serve hot over rice. My mother is here visiting from Thailand. I am sharing with you one of the dishes that she served tonight. Enjoy. -Sopit. 2/15,10:00PM/MT

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