
1 Unbaked pie shell

1 c Fruit sweetener

1 tb Cornmeal

1/3 c Unsweetened applesauce or

–applebutter 3 tb Water

2 tb Cornstarch

3 Eggs

2 ts Vanilla extract

2 tb Very strong coffee or

-espresso (prepared – not -grounds) 24 Pecan halves

Prepare pastry and place in 9″ pie pan. In large bowl, combine fruit sweetener, cornmeal and applesauce/butter. Beat with electric mixer. In small bowl, blend water and cornstarch until smooth. Add to fruit sweetner nixture and blend. Beat in eggs one at a time. Stir in vanilla and coffee. Pour mixture into pie shell. Decorate top with pecan halves. Bake 30 to 40 minutes – or until custard is set – at 375 degrees.

Cool slightly before cutting. One serving is = to: 1 bread, 1 fruit, 2 fat exchanges. 211 cal, 9g fat, 28g carb, 69mg sod, 3g protein, 82mg chol This recipe was posted by Sherry Eckert on *P – ID#GDDF80A and she got it from SWEET INSPIRATIONS SUGAR FREE DESSERT COOKBOOK. To make fruit sweetner – cook four cups of fruit juice until it is reduced to one cup. If you like it sweeter add Sweet One. OR if a recipe calls for 1/2 cup fruit sweetner, use 1/2 cup frozen fruit juice plus half as much (1/4 cup) granulated fructose. ~ Sherry adds Sweet One instead to desired sweetness. If 2/3 cup is called for use 2/3 cup concentrate plus 1/3 cup granulated fructose. Commercial fruit

sweeteners are available at health food stores. Good juices to use are apple, orange, pineapple, pineapple- orange, and grape. Submitted By LIR119@DELPHI.COM On SUN, 21 JAN 1996 083110 -0500 (EST) —–

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