
3 c Flour

2/3 c Sugar

1 t Salt

3 t Baking powder

1 c Shortening

1/2 c Milk (more as needed)

Butter, melted Strawberries, for serving Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Cut in “1 cup shortening or so” until texture is like 1/2 cornmeal, 1/2 pea. Add milk gradually till well-moistened (might need more, up to 3/4 cup, depending on humidity). Gather into a ball (will look like not enough liquid); loose flour will disappear into it. Pat about 3/4″ thick onto wax paper sprayed with Pam. Drizzle top with melted butter; spread over dough. Fold dough in half cross-ways; cut into diamonds and place cakes on greased, foil-lined baking pan or cookie sheet. Bake at 450 degrees F. about 15 to 20 minutes; yields approximately 1 dozen. Serve with butter and/or sliced strawberries (with sugar added) and whipped cream.

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