
1 Chicken

1 md Can tomato paste

1/2 md Can wine vinegar

1 tb Soy sauce

3 Dashes liquid smoke

1 tb Powdered mustard

1 tb Fresh ginger, grated

Dark brown sugar Mix in blender or food processor: tomato paste, mustard, soy sauce and liquid smoke. Fill the tomato paste can 1/2 up with wine vinegar; blend in ginger and pour into sauce. Add LOTS of dark brown sugar until you get preferred combination of sweet/sour. Can thin with water; should be just a little thinner than catsup. Clean and cut up chicken, salt and pepper the pieces. Broil chicken lightly on both sides in a deep pan and de-skin. Spoon on sauce and bake in 325 degree oven about 45 minutes. About 1/2 way thru the cooking time, turn the chicken over.

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