
2 c Chopped onions

1 Fresh garlic clove; peel/fin

4 c Water

1/2 c Firmly packed brown sugar

1/2 c Molasses

2 tb Apple cider vinegar

4 Bay leaves

1 ts Dry mustard

1/4 ts Pepper

1/4 ts Nutmeg

1/4 ts Ground cinnamon

1/8 ts Allspice

32 oz Canned tomato sauce

1 lb Navy beans; dried uncooked

This is a wonderful recipe that I got from a cookbook called Lean Luscious & meatless. It takes a little bit of time to prepare but is well worth the effort. It is the best baked beans I have ever had. You can substitute baby limas for the navy beans. I have changed a few things from the original recipe to suit my own taste so feel free to add any of your favorite seasonings. Rinse & drain beans. Place in a large bowl with remaining ingredients except tomato sauce. Mix well cover & place in the refigerator for 24 hours. TO COOK: Transfer bean mixture to a large oven proof pot. Add tomato sauce. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low, cover & simmer 45 min stirring occassionally. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place pot in oven. bake 4 hours covered. Check beans every half hour or so adding water and stirring as needed. When beans are done to your likeness remove from oven and serve. : Nutrition (per serving): 283 calories Total Fat 1 g (3% of calories) : D/L from Prodigy 12-14-94. Recipe collection of Sue Smith. 1.80?

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