
1 pk Unflavored gelatin

2 tb Sugar

1/4 ts -Salt

1 cn 11 oz. Mandarin oranges

2 tb Lemon juice

1 cn Whole cranberry sauce; 16 oz

1/2 c Finely diced celery

1/4 c Chopped walnuts or pecans

1. In saucepan, mix together gelatine, sugar and salt. Drain mandarin

oranges; stir syrup into gelatine mixture. Place over low heat; stir constantly until gelatine and sugar are dissolved, then remove from heat. (I do this in the microwave.) 2. Add lemon juice, whole cranberry sauce, diced celery, and chopped nuts. 3. Arrange oranges in mold; spoon in cranberry sauce. (A ring mold, small

Tupperware mold, or pretty crystal bowl, can be used.) Refrigerate. Serve. I have used this recipe since 1962, when it was given to me by a fellow employee at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. My mother (80 years old in 1992) requests this every Thanksgiving. The combined flavors are very tasty. Joyce Burton, Prodigy Food & Wine Board

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