
2 c Lentils

3/4 c Uncooked rice

2 md Onions; chopped

1/2 c Olive oil

1 tb Salt

1/4 ts Cumin

1/2 ts Allspice or bhar

Clean and wash the lentils and boil them until tender. Mash and strain into a separate pot. Add the rice, salt, and spices, and mix well. In a pan, saute the chopped onions in oil until golden. Add them with the frying oil to the lentils and rice. Bring the mixture to the boil with enough water to cover and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, until the rice is cooked, stirring regularly to prevent sticking. Serve lukewarm or cold with radishes and spring onions or a cabbage salad. That’s the recipe straight from the book. I make a couple changes: first of all, I’m a bit liberal with the cumin and allspice – I don’t use measuring spoons, and I’m sure I get more than the 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon. Bhar, btw, is described by the book as “a spice blend made of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. It is very similar in flavor to allspice, which may be substituted for it.” I use brown basmati rice, so I have to boil it for more than 10 minutes; this means I have to keep adding water to it so it doesn’t dry out. I mean to go back to the restaurant I first had this dish at and ask them what spices they use, since theirs is both spicier and darker than mine. Food For The Vegetarian – Traditional Lebanese Recipes Posted by: bobp@msi.com (Bob Pitha)

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