
——————————–FOR THE CAKE——————————– 2 c Sugar

1 c Shortening

4 Eggs

1 1/2 c Flour

1/3 c Cocoa

1 ts Vanilla

1/4 ts Salt

1 c Pecans (optional)

1/2 lg Jar of marshmallow fluff

——————————FOR THE FROSTING—————————— 1 c Butter

1/3 c Carnation milk

1/3 c Cocoa

1 ts Vanilla

1 lb Confectioners’ sugar

1 c Pecans (optional)

>Hint< Make the frosting first, by simply creaming all of the ingredients together and setting aside… 1) Cream together the sugar and the shortening, and add the eggs

one at a time, beating well after each addition… Add the flour, cocoa, vanilla and salt, creaming well then add the pecans if desired… 2) Bake in a well greased and floured 9″ x 13″ cake pan, at 350? for 30 min… remove and spread the marshmallow fluff evenly on the top, and return to the oven for 1 min or until fluff is spreadable… 3) Spread the frosting on top of the fluff and refrigerate until ready to eat…

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