
8 c Mint leaves, fresh; chopped

2 1/2 c -Boiling water

8 c Sugar

3 c -Water

Green food colouring 3 tb Mint essential oil

-or mint extract Place chopped mint leaves in a crock or deep bowl; add boiling water. Place a flat dish over the leaves and weight it down. Allow to stand overnight. Bring sugar and 3 cups water to a boil and cook 10 to 15 minutes. Meanwhile, squeeze the juice from the mint leaves; add mint juice to the syrup, bring to a boil, cook 5 minutes and remove from heat. Discard leaves. Add green food color to make the syrup a bright green. Add the mint oil and stir. Pour into sterile bottles. Refrigerate. Syrup is ready to use. Dilute with cold water or sparkling water. SOURCE: Sabbath chapter in _From My Grandmother’s Kitchen: a Sephardic Cookbook_ by Viviane Bichech Miner

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