
1 lb Beef [for stewing]

2 c Water [boiling]

1 t Salt

4 c Apples [chopped]

1/2 pk Raisins [seeded]

1 pk Raisins [unseeded]

1 c Orange peel [grated]

1 c Citron

1/2 lb Suet [chopped]

1 c Molasses

1 c Sugar

2 c Coffee [prepared strong]

1 c Cider (or fruit juice)

1 t Cinnamon

1 t Nutmeg

1/2 ts Cloves [ground]

1/2 ts Allspice

1) Simmer beef in water and salt `til very

tender, drain & reserve stock and chopped meat. 2) Combine in a large kettle the meat, the remaining ingredients, and 1 cup of the beef stock, stirring over low heat `til thoroughly mixed. 3) Continue cooking over low heat for about 2 hours or most of the liquid is absorbed, stirring occasionally during cooking and more often as mixture thickens. Source: Ms. Cindy Hazelton Clayton NY from an original Fannie Farmer Cookbook that was published in 1896 retyped by Fred Goslin in Watertown NY on Cyberealm Bbs home of KOOKNET @ (315) 786-1120

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