
1 lb Commercial filo sheets

———————————-FILLING———————————- 8 Apples*

1/2 c Sugar

1/2 t Cinnamon

1/2 t Allspice

1 T Cornstarch

1/4 c Currants or raisins

1/2 c Walnuts

1/2 c Butter; melted

———————————-TOPPING———————————- 1 c Powdered sugar

*Note- Apples should be cored, peeled and chopped. If desired, 2 cups canned apples (drained) may be substituted. Defrost frozen filo to room temperature, 2 to 4 hours. Mix filling in a bowl tossing ingredients with a spoon. Set aside. Lay 5 sheets filo flat, one on top of each other, with a little melted butter brushed between the sheets. Spread 1 cup of filling along one end. Roll filo over the apple filling so you will have a long filled tube. Fold side edges over 1/2″ so filling won’t fall out. Continue rolling. Place in a buttered baking pan or cookie sheet. Brush tops generously with melted butter. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Sift powdered sugar over tops and sides as soon as it is taken out of the oven and while still hot. When cool, cut into 2″ pieces and serve.

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