
1 1/2 c Flour

3/4 c Egg Beaters? 99% egg

Substitute 1/2 c Light corn syrup

1/2 c Sugar — (1/2 to 1 cup)

1 c Heaping, Bananas — mashed

1 t Vanilla

1 t Baking soda

1 t Baking powder

1/4 c 1% low-fat buttermilk

1 c Grape Nuts cereal

No-stick cokking spray

Mix all ingredients; bake in a large sprayed loaf pan at 350 degrees F. for 50-60 minutes. Do not over-bake. Test for doneness with toothpick. Recipe By : The Lite Switch – June McLean Jeter From: Hp_walls@woco.Ohio.Gov Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 14:00:51 -0400 (

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