
5 c Lentils

3 qt Water

1 1/2 lg Onions, coarsely chopped

1/2 c Vegetable oil, divided

1/2 c Olive oil

1 Green bell pepper, seeded,

-membranes removed, coarsely -chopped 1 ts Salt or to taste

1/4 ts Coarsely ground black pepper

1 ts Ground allspice

1 ts Cumin

3/4 ts Ground cinnamon

6 Cloves garlic, peeled and

-coarsely chopped 1 c Chopped fresh cilantro

1/2 c Lemon juice

1. Bring lentils and water to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer,

covered, while preparing the vegetables. 2. Meanwhile, in small frying pan cook onions in 1/4 cup vegetable

oil and the olive oil over medium heat. 3. When onions start to brown, about 10 minutes, add green pepper

and cook together for about 2 minutes. 4. Add onion-pepper combination and oil in which they were cooked to

lentils. cook lentils about 40 minutes. Season with salt; pepper, allspice, cumin and cinnamon. continue to cook, covered, stirring frequently, about 20 minutes. 5. Blend garlic with 1/4 cup vegetable oil in a blender or with

mortar and pestle until pureed and well blended. 6. When lentils are tender, add cilantro. Turn off heat. Then add

garlic-oil puree. Stir well. 7. After a minute, add lemon juice. Taste and correct seasonings if

necessary. Serve immediately.

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