
5 Large heads of garlic

2 Cups white onions — sliced

3 Tablespoons vegetable oil

2 Quarts rich chicken or vegetable stock

1 Cup dry white wine

1 Large bay leaf

1 Tablespoon chopped fresh sage leaves (1 teaspoon drie

3 Whole cloves

salt and freshly ground white pepper drops of fresh lemon juice 1/3 c olive oil

4 egg yolks

<<garnish>> toasted sour dough croutons fresh grated Asiago or Gruyere cheese fresh chopped chives

Separate garlic into cloves and crush slightly with side of knife. Do not peel.

Add garlic, onions and vegetable oil to a soup pot and saute until onions just begin to soften. Do not brown. Add stock, wine, bay, sage and cloves. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer partially covered for 45 minutes. Strain pressing down firmly on the solids to extract all flavor. Return soup to pot and correct seasoning with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

In a bowl, whisk olive oil into egg yolks by drops to form an emulsion (mayonnaise). At serving time, beat 1 cup of hot soup into emulsion in a thin stream. Gradually beat in remaining soup. Return to pot and reheat gently being careful not to over heat or egg will scramble. Serve immediately garnished with croutons, cheese and chives.

Copyright, 1996, TV FOOD NETWORK, G.P., All Rights

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