1 ga Water
4 lb Honey
6 Cloves
2 Sticks cinnamon
Juice & peel from one lemon 1 ts Activated dry yeast
In a large nonreactive pot, add the next four ingredients to the gallon of water. Boil all together for 30 minutes, then strain into a crock that will hold it with a little room to spare. When cooled, add the yeast, dissolved in some of the liquid. Allow to ferment in a cool place – 55 degrees is ideal – until it ceases bubbling and the liquor clears, then bottle, cap tightly and store in a cool, dark cellar. It should not be used for at least a month, and longer is better. Mead unlike many other drinks, does not improve with really long aging, so it should be consumed within a year of the time it was made. ;+} *** Stalking the Wild Asparagus — by Euell Gibbons *** * Van Rees Press, New York 1962 *