
2 T Water

2 T Olive oil or cooking oil

1/2 t Dried Tarragon, crushed

1/4 t Hot Pepper Sauce

2 T Lemon Juice

1/8 t Salt

1 x Clove Garlic, minced

2 x Med Zucchini, cut in 1″ piec

1 x Med green/Sweet Red Pepper

12 ounces boned skinless Chicken Breast Halves, cut into 1″ cubes

For marinade, combine lemon juice, water, oil, tarragon, hot pepper sauce, salt, and garlic. Place chicken in a plastic bag and set in a deep bowl. Pour marinade in bag. Close bag. Let chicken stand 20 minutes at room temperature, turning bag frequently. Cut green or sweet red pepper into 1″ squares. Drain chicken, reserving marinade. Thread chicken, zucchini, and red pepper alternately on 4 long skewers. Arrange skewers on the unheated rack of a broiler pan. Broil 4-5″ from heat about 8 minutes or till chicken is tender and no longer pink; turn once and brush with marinade. Per serving: 173 calories, 27 g protein, 4 g carbohydrates, 5 g fat, 72 mg cholesterol, 83 mg sodium, 441 mg potassium.

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