
2 Pounds lean ground beef

16 Ounces peach slices — canned

1 1/2 Cups soft bread crumbs

2 large eggs

1 onion — chopped fine

2 Teaspoons fresh dill weed

1 1/2 Teaspoons salt

1/4 Teaspoon black pepper

1 Cup rice

1 Tablespoon fresh parsley — chopped

1/4 Teaspoon ground nutmeg

1. Drain the peaches, reserving syrup, and cut slices in half.

2. Combine beef, bread crumbs, beaten eggs, onion, dill weed, salt,

pepper and 1/3 cup of the peach syrup. Mix well. 3. Combine the cooked rice, parsley and 1 tablespoon of peach syrup.

4. Pat the meat on waxed paper into a 14 x 10 rectangle about

3/4-inch thick. 5. Spread the rice mixture evenly over meat. Stir nutmeg into peaches

and distribute evenly over the meat. 6. Roll up meat, jelly-roll fashion, from short side of rectangle to

enclose peaches and form a pinwheel loaf. Press meat over filling at both ends of loaf. Place, seam-side down, on rack in roasting pan. 7. Bake in preheated 350-degree oven for 1 hour. Brush with peach

syrup and continue baking 15 minutes more. Let stand 10-15 minutes before slicing.

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