
1 c Shortening

2 c Sugar

2 ts Baking soda

2 c Dark molasses

1 c Rum

7 c Flour

1 tb Ginger

1/2 ts Allspice

1 ts Ground cloves

1 tb Salt

1 ts Nutmeg

Recipe by: Roy Young XXRK71A Cream together shortening and sugar together until light. In anohter bowl, combine baking soda and moasses and add rum and blend together.(Joe does it in the blender). In another bowl, sift together flour with ginger, allspice,nutmeg,cloves and salt. To the creamed mixture alternately add rum mixture and flour mixture. stir well between additions. Chill overnight in refrigerator. Roll out on floured board 1/2 inch thick. cut out with large cutter or wide glass. Traditionally these cookies were are big as saucers and sailors from Mablehead, Massachusetts took them out to snack on as they fished in the old days. Joe doesn’t make them that big but a good wide mouth glass gives a lovely size. They will also crack on tops as they cool which is also traditional. The large amount of salt seems odd but is correct. Bake at 375 F for 10-12 minutes. they are a big hit around Mablehead!!!The rum will just flavor them. they seem like a lot of work buy are WELL WORTH IT!!! Use a glass that is 3 inches wide if possible!! —–

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