

2 ea Apples, peeled, cored, diced

1/2 c Raisins

1/2 c Currants

1/2 c Dates, chopped

1/3 c Pecans, chopped

1/2 c Maple syrup

1/2 c Orange juice

1 tb Orange peel, grated

1 t Cinnamon

1/2 ts Mace

—–PIE CRUST—– 1 2/3 c Wholewheat pastry flour

1/4 c Oil

1/4 c Orange juice

FILLING: Steam tempeh for 20 minutes, then either shred or dice finely. Stir into the remaining ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to a simmer & cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat & set aside to cool. CRUST: Pre-heat oven to 400F. Combine all the pie crust ingredients until a soft dough is formed. Add more juice if necessary. Divide into 2 pieces, one slightly larger than the other. Place larger ball of dough onto a lightly floured surface & roll into a 9″ circle. Place into an 8″ pie plate. Spoon filling into the pie crust. Roll out remaining ball of dough & place on top of the filling. Seal & crimp the edges. Bake for 10 minutes & then reduce the heat to 325F & bake until the crust is lightly browned, about 30 minutes. Cool & serve. “Vegetarian Gourmet”, Winter 1995

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