
2 c Vegetable Stock

2 c Tomato juice

2 T Lemon juice

2 T Green taco sauce

1 t Sugar

1/2 t Garlic salt

1/8 t Pepper

1 x Cucumber *

1 x Green pepper **

4 x Large tomatoes ***

3 x Green onions ****

* Cucumber, peeled, seeded, and coarsley chopped ** Green pepper, seeded and diced *** Tomatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped **** Green onions (including tops) thinly sliced In a 3-quart pan over medium heat, combine stock, tomato juice, lemon juice, taco sauce, sugar, garlic salt, and pepper. Leave uncovered and bring to a boil. Stir in cucumber, green pepper, tomatoes, and onion; bring mixture, uncovered to a boil again. Remove from heat and cool. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled. Serving size: 1 cup Per serving: 3 grams protein, 14 grams carbohydrates, no cholesterol, 64 calories. An easy make-ahead soup to begin a meal with.

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