
10 eggs — beaten well

12 ounces sm. curd cottage cheese or 8

1 ounces cream cheese

1 pound Monterey Jack cheese — grated

1 jar or can sliced mushrooms — (4 oz.)

4 tablespoons margarine

1/8 teaspoon celery salt

1/4 teaspoon med. grind black pepper

1 small onion — chopped and sauteed

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup unsifted flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

2 cans chopped green chilies — (4 oz.)

1 can sliced black olives — (4 oz.)

–OPTIONAL:– 10 ounces frozen chopped broccoli — thawed

8 ounces breakfast sausage

8 ounces peeled shrimp

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl combine beaten eggs, cottage chees e, grated cheese, mushrooms, spices, onion, flour, baking powder, green chilies , black olives, and optional ingredients. Blend carefully and pour into a greas ed 9×13 inch baking dish or 8-cup quiche pan sprayed with non-stick vegetable c ooking spray. Bake 35-45 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting and servin g. Recipe may be halved and poured into a 10×6 inch pan or 9-inch quiche pan. N OTE: Reduce flour to 1/2 cup when vegetable, sausage, or shrimp are added. Reci pe from “One Million Recipes CD”

busted by Judy R.

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