
4 oz Light cream cheese, softened

2 tb Fresh parsley, chopped

1 tb Green onion, chopped

1 tb Light sour cream

1/2 ts Dried tarragon

1 pn Salt

1 pn Pepper

8 sl Dry bread

8 sl Turkey

In small bowl, beat together cream cheese, parsley, onion, sour cream, tarragon, salt and pepper. Spread on 1 side of each slice of bread. Top 4 of the slices with turkey; invert remaining bread slices over top. Left over chicken may also be used. Combine with some crunchy raw vegetables and a piece of fruit to complete this lunch. Per Serving: about 290 calories, 18 g protein, 12 g fat, 29 g carbohydrate Good source iron. Source: Canadian Living magazine, Nov 94 Lunches contained in “Pack Lunch and Go” by Rose Murray, Canadian Living Test Kitchen [-=PAM=-]

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