
3 tb Oil

3 tb Flour

2 lg Onions, chopped

3 c Okra, chopped

2 tb Oil

1 cn Tomatoes

3 Garlic clove — minced

2 qt — Water

Salt Pepper, black Pepper, red 1/2 c Parsley — finely chopped

1/2 c Scallion tops — finely

-chopped 2 lb Shrimp

1/2 pt Oysters

1 cn Crabmeat

Make roux of oil and flour, stirring constantly until dark brown. Add shrimp to roux and cook for a few minutes. Set aside. Smother okra and onions in oil. Add tomatoes and garlic when okra is almost done. Cook a few minutes longer, then add water and salt and pepper. Combine shrimp roux mixture with okra and simmer for about 10 minutes. Add oysters, crabmeat and whole crabs and simmer until crabs are cooked. Add parsley and green onions and simmer another 15 – 20 minutes. Serve over rice and let each person add fresh file to their taste. From the Louisiana Seafood Promotion & Marketing Board 1-800-222-4017.


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