
Crust: 1 1/2 c (20) graham crackers,

Crushed 1/4 c Butter

1/4 c Sugar

Filling: 3 8-oz pkgs. cream cheese

2 lg Eggs (3 small)

2 tb Lemon juice

3/4 c Sugar

1 t Vanilla

Topping: 1/2 c Powdered sugar

1/2 pn Sour cream

1 t Vanilla

Use spring form pan. Mix graham crackers (crushed), butter and sugar for crust mixture and bake for 8 minutes at 350 degrees F; cool for 15 minutes. Combine filling ingredients and mix together with electric mixer until fluffy. Pour into crust (cooled) and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. Cool for 30 minutes. Combine all topping ingredients and beat until fluffy. Pour over cheesecake (cooled) and bake an additiona 10 minutes at 350 degrees F. Refrigerate several hours or overnight.

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