
1/2 Shot Tequila

1/2 Shot Vodka

1/2 Shot Gin

1/2 Shot Rum

3 Shots Coca Cola

1/2 To 1 shot Sour Mix (or Tom

-Collins Mix or Whiskey Sour -Mix) SOURCE: Natl Cooking Echo 18 Jun 90 Contributed to the echo by: Sallie Austin Put all in a glass and stir and watch out. Not my idea of a way to consume alcohol (I would prefer too much wine or champagne ), but I believe this was the recipe. Does taste close to iced tea though… –Michelle M. Bass My boyfriend is a “working manager” of a bar here… i.e., he bartends. He said to add these to the preceding ingredients: 1/2 shot 151 Rum (in addition to the regular rum) 1/2 shot Triple Sec or

Cointreau I only tried one of these… I agree with Michelle… at least with wine or champagne it requires a few hours of sipping before you pass out, instead of a few minutes . BTW- I just asked Jim if he was sure that both 151 and regular rum were used, and why… he said “to hurt people”. Good enough reason for

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