
12 California dried figs

— stewed 1/2 c Shortening

3/4 c Sugar

1 Egg

2 tb Unsweetened cocoa

1 ts Vanilla

1/2 c Sifted all-purpose flour

1/2 ts Salt

1 ts Baking powder

1/2 c Milk

Marshmallows Walnut halves Top milk or whipped cream Drain figs, cut off stems and cut into small bits. Cream shortening, sugar and egg. Add figs and stir in cocoa and vanilla. Sift flour, measure and sift again with salt and baking powder. Add with milk. Fill well-buttered individual or large baking dish half-full. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) for about 20 minutes or until pudding is firm to touch and lightly brown. While still warm, top with marshmallows and walnut halves. Pass whipped cream or top milk, if desired. Source: 48 Family Favorites with California Figs Reprinted with the permission of The California Fig Advisory Board Electronic format courtesy of Karen Mintzias

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