
Chocolate ingredients: 1/2 cup honey

2/3 cup ( 1 and 1/3 stick) butter or

margarine 1 egg

1 tsp vanilla — or peppermint

extract 2 cups whole wheat flour

1/3 cup cocoa powder

grape-nuts(tm) cereal Gingerbread ingredients: 1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup molasses

2/3 cup (1 and 1/3 stick) butter or margerine

1 egg

7 cups whole wheat flour

spices-ginger, cinnamon, cloves to taste(maybe 1/2 tsp e grape-nuts(t Mix-ins: coconut chocolate chips butterscotch chips peanut butter chips

To make: Microwave the honey till it bubbles(about 1 minute). add the butter, and the molasses, if any. Add the egg, mix well, then mix in all the other stuff. A dd mix-ins of your choice to some or all of the batter.

Chill 1 hour in the freezer or several hours in the fridge. Roll dough logs of random length and the diameter of cat poops. Roll logs in grape- nuts and bake at 350 degrees till done (10 to 15 minutes).

Serve in a disposable cat litter box on a bed of grapenuts, with a cat litter scoop. I hear you get lovely effects by decorating the box and scoop with melted chocolate or pudding.

This recipe worked especially well at the halloween party where the table was already decorated with plastic flies

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