
1 lb Linguine or Spaghetti

— uncooked 2 c Broccoli florets

1 tb Margarine

1 lg Onion — diced

2 Carrots

— sliced into 1/4″ rounds 2 Celery stalks — diced

2 tb All-purpose flour

14 1/2 oz Low-sodium chicken broth

1 t Ground sage

2 c Diced, cooked turkey

1/4 c Herbed stuffing mix

Prepare pasta according to package directions. Two minutes before pasta is done, add broccoli florets to water. Cook two minutes; drain pasta and broccoli in colander. In a large skillet, warm the margarine over medium heat. Add the onion, carrots and celery and saute three minutes. Stir in the flour. Add the chicken broth and sage and stir in the turkey. Stir until the sauce come to a simmer. Simmer 1 minute. Pour the turkey saute over the pasta. Sprinkle stuffing mix on top and serve immediately. Each serving provides: 479 Calories; 28.4 g Protein;79.3 g Carbohydrates; 4.7 g Fat; 40.6 mg Cholesterol; 303 mg Sodium. Calories from Fat: 9% Copyright National Pasta Association (http://www.ilovepasta.org) (Reprinted with permission)

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