
7 leaves unflavored gelatin

1/2 cup water

6 eggs

5 1/2 cups fresh whipping cream

1 angel cake,

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 tablespoons rum or orange liqueur

3/4 cup lime juice

1. Line a spring form pan with parchment paper. 2. Place a very thin layer of the angel cake or any other left over white cake in the pan. 3. Sprinkle with the rum or liqueur. Chill. 4. Dissolve the gelatin in the water. 5. Whip the egg yolks with half the sugar until lemon colored. Stir in gelatine and lime juice whipping. Chill while you prepare the cream. 6. Whip cream and then add half the sugar to make chantilly. Stir into lime gelatin mixture. Chill 1 hour. 7. Whip egg whites until they form soft peaks. Slowly fold them into lime mixture. 8. Pour mixture into prepared pan. Freeze. 9. Get pie out of freezer into the refrigerator 6 hours before serving or let stand at room temperature ( summer ) 1 hour before serving.

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