
3/4 c Dry lentils

1 1/2 c Water

2 ts Cider vinegar

1 tb Butter

1 c Onion; finely minced

2 Garlic cloves; crushed

10 lg Mushrooms; minced

1/2 c Walnuts; finely minced

1 sm Celery stalk; finely minced

1 ts Salt

Freshly ground black pepper 1/2 ts Dry mustard

1 tb Dry sherry

1/2 c Raw wheat germ

This takes about 40 minutes to prepare: you can do “part 1” while “part 2” is cooking, plus about 1 hour to chill, then 15 minutes to cook. Makes between 4 to 6 servings, depending on the size of patties you make and the hunger of participants. Note: uncooked burgers may be individually wrapped and frozen. Part 1: Bring lentils and water to a boil in saucepan. Lower the heat, and simmer, partly-covered, 30 minutes, or until lentils are soft, and liquid is gone. Place in large-ish bowl. Add vinegar, and mash. Part 2: Saute remaining ingredients, except for wheat germ, together over medium-low heat 10 to 15 minutes, or until all is tender. Add to the mashed lentils, and mix well. Add wheat germ and mix again. Chill for about 1 hour. The Burgers: 1. Make 4-inch patties from chilled burger-mixture. For freezing, make

patties, place wax paper between each patty and stack; wrap well and freeze (or wrap individually). 2. Fry burgers in butter until brown, *or* broil about 8 minutes on each

side. Try putting sesame seeds in pan to keep burgers from sticking to pan, if it is a problem. 3. Serve either as patties, or as burgers in a whole-wheat bun. Good with

cheese melted on top, basil sprinkled on each burger is tasty also. I think I got this one out of the Moosewood Cookbook a few years back… From: Julie Rampke

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