
———————-RED WINE SAUCE———————- 6 Shallots, chopped

6 Fresh Mushrooms, chopped

2 oz Ground Lamb

2 tb Unsalted Butter

1 1/2 c Dry Red Wine

1 c Chicken Stock

1 c Veal Stock or Chicken Broth

3 Juniper Berries

1 Bay Leaf

3 Thyme Sprigs

2 Cloves Garlic

1 tb White Wine Vinegar

1 ts Lemon Juice

Salt and Pepper

———————–NUT STUFFING———————– 24 Pistachio Nuts

1/2 c Canned Chestnut Puree

8 oz Ground Lamb

1/3 c Brandy

—————–LAMB LOIN IN PUFF PASTRY—————– 17 1/4 oz Package Puff Pastry Sheets

24 oz Boneless Lamb Loin Chops

Hot Cooked Vegetables Red Wine Sauce: In large saucepan, brown shallots, mushrooms, and ground lamb in butter. Stir in red wine, chicken stock, and veal stock. Boil until reduced by half. Add juniper berries, bay leaf, thyme, garlic, and vinegar. Boil 10 minutes. Strain sauce, discarding solids. Return sauce to saucepan. Stir in lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. Cover, keep warm. Nut Stuffing: While sauce is reducing, in food processor, pulse pistachio nuts with on/off turns until chopped. Add chestnut puree, ground lamb, and brandy. Process briefly until blended. Lamb Loin in Puff Pastry: Let puff pastry stand at room temperature according to package directions. Mound 1/4 of stuffing on each lamb loin. Using hands, mold stuffing around lamb until loin is completely enclosed with stuffing mixture. Preheat oven to 400?. Gently unfold 1 sheet of pastry on lightly floured surface. Press pastry together at the two fold seams to seal. Cut pastry in half. Repeat with remaining sheet of pastry. Roll each pastry to 10×8″ rectangle. Arrange a wrapped lamb loin crosswise in center of each sheet of pastry. Overlap long sides of pastry over meat and fold over together to seal. Typed for you by Katherine Smith, Cyberealm BBS Watertown NY 315-786-1129 —–

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