
3/4 c Butter or margarine

1 1/2 c Sugar

8 Egg yolks

1 1/2 c Cake flour

3 ts Baking powder

1/4 ts Salt

3/4 c Milk

1 ts Vanilla

1 ts Lemon rind; grated

1 ts Lemon juice

LEMON ICING 2 c Powdered sugar

1/4 c Margarine; soft

1 Lemon; juice and grated rind

2 ts Heavy cream

PUDDING Bananas; slice thin 3/4 c Sugar

3 Egg yolks

2 1/2 c Milk

MERINGUE 3 Egg whites

3 tb Sugar

1 ts Vanilla

Cream butter or margarine with sugar until light and fluffy. In separate bowl, beat egg yolks until light and lemon-colored; blend with creamed mixture. Sift together cake flour, baking powder and salt; re-sift 3 times. Add sifted ingredients in thirds, alternating with milk. Beat batter thoroughly after each addition. Add vanilla, lemon rind and juice and beat 2 minutes. Bake at 325~ in bundt pan for 1 hour. Or, bake in 3 greased 9″

pans at 350~. ICING-Combine all lemon icing ingredients and spread on cake. —–

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