
1 c Sour cream

12 lg Egg yolks

1 ts Salt

1 c White granulated sugar

1 ts Vanilla

1 ts Baking powder

White flour Vegetable oil – for deep frying Sugar; for sprinkling Servings: 1 *(pronounced kroo chi, with the oo like in moon, and i like in fin.) Combine the first six ingredients. Add enough flour to make a rollable dough. Roll flat, 1/2 inch thick. Cut into strips, 1 inch wide and 3-4 inches long. Tie each strip into a simple knot. Deep fry until golden brown. Sprinkle with sugar. From: csanoy@bcars689.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Cynthia Sanoy) @Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking

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